Hello, I am here to share my knowledge of adobe illustrator with you. I will be creating a cuisine logo that will inform people of the readiness of food in the kitchen. To create a logo, I will be using vector shapes (circle and rectangle).
To make the chef hat, I selected rectangle from ellipse tools and expand to the scale of my choice. Got ellipse from ellipse tools to make 3 circles. Placed the three circles side by side on top of the rectangle shape then click on selection tool to select my shapes and set the stroke to 4pt with the color of my choice. After, still in selection mode, I clicked on window menu, selected pathfinder then unite to create a compound shape.
I created the spoon next. I used the ellipse menu again got ellipse and rectangle shape. I put the ellipse on top of the rectangle, selected the two shapes together and align the ellipse to the center of the rectangle. I then chose the color of my choice to fill and for the stroke as seen. I then
click on Effect > stylize and picked round corner to give it a rounded corner shape.
Next was the fork, using rectangles I made a T shape first then align the top to the center of the long stroke. After, I made 3 rectangles to sit on the T shape then used pathfinder to unite them together. Then, on the menu I clicked effect,
stylize, round the corner to shape it out.
The knife is a bit different. Chose rectangle shape as before to the scale of my choice. Selected the shape and click on pen tool, used the pen tool to make two points on the rectangle shape (one at the center and the other close to the top). Then I clicked on the direction selection tool and placing the cursor at the point close to the top and dragging out, I was able to get a bulge shape. I then used the convert selected anchor points tool at the menu to smooth the edges. After which I click on Effect > stylize and round the corner to give it round shape.
Next, was the star shape I got from rectangle tool which I shaped to my desired size. Then, the text which was written using type tool and was shaped using round the corner from effect.
Finally, was the background to make the logo complete. I used rectangle shape from rectangle tool, fill it with the desired color and used round the corner from effect menu to shape it.
Below is the final outcome of my first logo.